CORVID 19 may have kept us house bound with our Daughter's birthday, but it didn't stop us celebrating! Our Miss turned 12 and celebrated with a online Zoom Party.
We knew that we wanted the Birthday girl to feel super special on her birthday, we have always celebrated with a party and didn't want that to change this year so we organised a Zoom Party! We came up with the idea to prepare some special party kits for her friends to open during the party as we really wanted to add some excitement and anticipation around the day. The kit included party food, decorated cookie, party plate, cup and and small DIY 100% biodegradable balloon garland and confetti. We had the party boxes delivered to all the guests houses and asked them not to open them until the party. The big day came and we set up a special party station for Ava. We had such fun preparing the DIY balloon garland and creating a special zoom party station. All her friends sang happy birthday, giggled, snacked on party food and chatted for hours. It was certainly a birthday she will remember for a long time.
I hope this helps inspire you to keep celebrating and spreading joy.
Sweet Regards - Ellana

Party Boxes delivered to Zoom Party Guests Plates, Balloons and Cup from Cookie from

Party Preparations. DIY Balloons from

Pretty touches to make each guest feel like they were at the party.

Zoom Party Ready

Confetti from

And what's a party without a cake? This is my 6inch regular height gluten free whole orange and almond cake.